9 Commonest Mistakes to Avoid While Starting a New Business

Ar e you one of the many new entrepreneurs, who ’re fired up about thei r business idea s? Then you must be very keen to launch your company for trading with others. However, according to a leading Singapore-based motivational speaker , it’s better to take a step back ward to ensure that you avoid a few of the common mistakes that adversely affect several new businesses. Only if you can make the right moves in the beginning , then only it’ll help you to avoid major headaches later on. 1. Insufficient Financial Preparation and Resources It’s quite common for entrepreneurs to ignore financial planning and understand the amount of capital they’ll require to get their business up and running. Often, t he result is insufficient f unds to achieve your goals and/or a cash squeeze just as the business is tak ing its baby steps . To avoid such issue s, you must be able to prepare financial projections for your new business, particular ly for the i...